Animation Road Show Blog

Animation Road Show BlogThe animation road show blog is part of the Labyrinth bookstore in Toronto, Ontaio Canada. They specialize in books on illustration, animation, as well as thousands of graphic novels and manga.

I think it's really cool for art book stores to have blogs. It's great for keeping customers up to date with new books and providing recommendations. Not only that, it also increases the exposure for the books, especially so if the customer is not local, like me.

This is a great website to bookmark, or add to RSS feed, if you want to keep up with new art book releases.

Typobloger: A Typography Class Blog

TypobloggerI found another blog that's almost as interesting as

This one's called Typoblogger. It says on their welcome that it's community site for ALL of Genevieve Williams' typography classes at SVA. The main site features lots of typography resources.

It's the links posted on the sidebar that's interesting. It seems to me that everyone in the class has to create their own blog. Not only that, they have to post up their type assignments online. It's great to see the fresh ideas from students starting out.

Vector Infographics from 24horas

Infografia 24horasThis website features mainly vector style infographics. They are for a Portuguese newspaper called 24 horas.

I downloaded some of the graphics from But I never actually found out which paper it was from because I kept typing the wrong keywords. Today, I found that it had a blog called infografia 24horas.

I really love the vector style, tight control and yet bold colour usage. Every graphic is eye catching, every one so inviting to read. The paper really have a great art department.

This website is in Portuguese. But you can easily translate it by searching for the site in Google and then hitting "translate this page" link provided.

Different Hits for Flickr and Deviantart

Empire State Building
This same photo currently has over 1500 views in deviantart and less than 100 views in Flickr.

I don't think it was because I featured it on my deviantart profile page. It already had way more views at that time.

Interesting how different web community works.

Rise in Infographics Blogs, Websites And Resources

I do a lot of search on infographics blogs and websites for examples and references where artists use graphics to present information.

There has been an increasing number of websites devoted to the topic of infographics over the years, although I can't put a number to it. I've bookmarked all of the ones listed below on Delicious tagged infographics and even more that were not listed.

Here's a list that I frequent, via RSS. Also check out their blog roll, or favourite links, as they point to even more resources.

News Page Designer
This is where page designers, graphic artists, and infographics journalists submit their work to. It's like the Flickr or Youtube for newspaper page design. The variety ranges from simple graphic charts to award winning infographics.

Cool Infographics Blog
This blog was created in July 2007. Currently, it has over 200 postings. The blog features interesting infographics that appear in print and on the web.
I'll quote from their About page. " intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web."

In short, they try to bring across information with cool, and sometimes abstract, graphics.

Designing the News
This blog looks at the visual elements used in newspapers, including infographics.

Presenting numerical information through graphics is what this website is all about.

Infographic News
Yes, now there are news about infographics as well. This blog features a great collection of infographics in print and on the web.

information aesthetics
Their tag "form follows data, data visualization & visual communication". There are lots of examples on data visualization on their blog.

Simple Complexity
Another great blog with lots of infographics from around the world.

A Beautiful WWW
This blog is about creating graphics for the web. Their tag "information retrieval, information visualization, data mining, artificial intelligence, web programming"

Stat Graphics & Data Visualization
Presenting statistics with graphics. Lots of charts, pies and lines.

Illustrations Infographics
New blog with infographics

War infographics
New blog with infographics

Seattle Sketches
When sketches and infographics meet.

This artist has some great infographics. His illustrations has a strong lines.

PasiĆ³n por IlustraciĆ³n
That's Spanish for Passion for Illustration. Lots of behind the scenes blogging for graphics produced.

Infografia 24horas
I really love the simplistic style. Infographics that does the job superbly, bring information across in an easy to absorb way. This blog is in Spanish

This blog is in Spanish and it features some stunning infographics and thinking.

Alberto Cairo's website
There are courses, student projects and other lots of infographics related resources and content.

Book Review: Work: The World in Photographs

The 190 evocative, wonderfully varied images collected from here span well over a century, from photography's early decades in the 19th century to the first years of a new millennium.
- A section from the book jacket

The collection of photographs showcases people of different jobs going about with their daily chores.

I like how each photo transports me to the scene where the photographer stood. One moment, I'm beside people cycling to work in the rain, the next, I'm watching workers mine sulfur. And it goes on and on. Although I might never visit these places, the feeling of being there just by looking at the photos is satisfying enough.

This book is not just about the different occupations, it's about religion, culture and people's way of life.

Book Review: Brother Bear: A Transformation Tale

I would say this is more of a production diary from one of the artists. Included are some concept art, paintings and storyboards.

The book details the journey for creating the animated movie. It's like how the artists look at their work and think about what they have done, how far they have come. It's more emotional talk than technical talk.

I wish they had included more art because they are terrific.

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